Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Malay Shitheads!!! - The Melayu Babi!!

Whats a "babi utan"??.I'll tell you..its the typical melayu!

I am beginning to really hate the malay race...period! Some of them which accounts for about 89 percent should be hauled into large concentration camps spread across peninsular malaysia and tortured then gassed.

When its comes to the malay musicians - with some exceptions - should have the honour to be tortured, cut up whilst still alive and burnt in a public execution televised on national TV.

I would do it myself in particular to two notable assholes.

They are:( and believe me when I tell you all that I am going to post this information all over my blogs so that all malaysians and people around the world will know what the malay race is all about!! )

1. Ismail "Gila"( Gila is in the Malay language and means in English "mad" ) - hes a so-called bass player who should have turned up for work at the prince hotel, kuala lumpur last Saturday 2nd of June. He didnt. He vanished without a trace.He has no money. He doesnt own a bass guitar. He claims that he does and had lent his bass gtr to a friend. He has no place to stay in Kuala Lumpur.

Truth about Ismail; He is well known to be a bastard as well as an asshole = typical melayu.

2. Boy "Castro" - Ismail's good buddy. So that speaks for itself.

It is well known in Malaysia that the malays are the lowest income group and also the laziest bastards ever to walk this earth. The word "malay" derives itself from a word meaning "slow" and "lazy".Its no bloody wonder that Malaysian malays are the worst kind of people in this country. They run the country - badly. They have their own business - which are mostly "fly-by-night" setups. Most have ended up being closed down mainly due to bad debts and in-house corruption.

Most malay musicians are arrogant, self-absorbed, self centered, narrow-minded assholes who think that they are superstars and can get away with anything.Ie: Not turn up for work; Lie and cheat people; Boast that they can read notes and play well which is all a farce; Claim to have to performed in prestigious functions or events and even with top malaysian singers and musicians which they havent.

I have met many of the above and even to the point of wanting to kill them if I ever set sights on any of them again. Especially where I am currently performing - The Prince Hotel, KL.

So all in all let this be my warning to any Malays who wish to fuck around with me!:-

" Watch out you melayu babi - I am watching you all from now onwards. I dont care who you are or where you come from. I dont care whether youre a guitarist, a bassist, a singer or a pianist/keyboardist - I will kill you if you "cross" my path and think you can shove your kind of shit culture on me!!"

" If you do..I will do things to you that even the worst crimminals havent committed yet in the history of mayhem, murder and violence.."

" Death to those Malays who think that THEY " rule this country ". If the non-malays ran this country..life and our future would be far better! " Its such a sad shame that our present and past govts have been monopolised by the melayu babi!

Thats "bumiputra" shit for you!!!!!!


Muhd Faiz said...

cina babi!!!!
pegi mati!!!!
mak u pon mati!!!

dSecondThought said...

penulis blog ni bodoh xbaca sejarah ke? don't u read how malay struggle to get independent sampai sanggup berikan nationality for d non-malays...

MingMing said...

Melayu jangan cakap banyak2,ko ni semua tak de guna lagi nak cakap buat ape ni.bodoh gi makan babi la bagang

MingMing said...

Babi punya melayu kayu!

jokerbegin said...

cina suda jadi warga di mana2... si seluruh dunia tapi cuma malaysia yg bagi peluang kamu jd menteri dan mendirikan sekola cina...cuba tgk di US dan di mana2...jadi tukang sapu parlimen pun tak layak... satu hari nanti apabila kami merusuh mcm di Indon baru kamu tau apa itu melayu...cina suda dirampuk di Indon dan jgn kamu cuba paksa melayu sini plak memberontak...kami melayu berjasa pada negara tapi kamu cuma tahu kaut kekayaan,jadi along,jadi gangster,jual pelacur...cina mmg tdk kenang budi

jokerbegin said...

oh ya...tidak berdosa kami makan babi kalo terpaksa...kalo terpegang babi pun kami cuma disuruh cuci tangan sj dengan prosedur hygiene tertentu.......
Kamu ckp kami babi takpa... tapi yang betul ialah ibu bapa kamu lahir hasil drp daging babi so ibu bapa kamu adalah produk berasaskan babi sebab kamu makan babi hehehe

jokerbegin said...

kalo tak suka malaysia pi balik china la... ini tanah kami dan saya percaya satu hari nanti kamu akan merasa parang kami

Anonymous said...

Cina = x mengenang budi..... diorang nie kena banyak tau sejarah malaysia.... pengorbanan tunku abd rahman.... nenek moyang diorang jgk yg b'setuju x akan sentuh hak2 istimewa orng2 melayu....

jgn belagak sb korang kuasai ekonomi malaysia....TP ada sb knapa kamu buleh kuasai ekonomi malaysia. So jangan ANGKUH....

Cina Malaysia nie klu dihantar blk cina pown, negara cina x akan menerima....so conclusion "lu punya nasib lu makan....kami pnya nasib kami makan....x salah klu makan sama2"

Nik said...

koang (melayu) semua dh tau dh koang ni bangsat, malas, lahanat, nk maki cina lg. dh ko malas! ckp besar, kutuk org! ckp je cina tau jadi gengster je, abes tu koang sume ape aa kimak?? tau nk gadoh, tunjuk kuat, duit xde, g pau org pastu merepit or aktiviti2 melayu haram lain. aku taktaulah asl aku lahir melayu. bangsa terkutuk! koang ckp je yahudi babi, israel babi. tapi koang (ekstremis islam malaysia) sokong plak org arab lain! ko igt arab tu baik, suci sgt ke haa pukimak?? haa, jap gi comment arh, maki2 aku, drop2 aku. ckp aku babi. Allah tak ampunkan org Melayu! cilaka lahanat hutan kampung!

Nik said...


Yongjie said...
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Marakdona said...
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Marakdona said...

Eh eh, dah menumpang kat tanah melayu nak benci2 plak.

gogogo said...

babi go die plz ! thx